Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Just a Little More Rain

You've probably noticed another week went by and there was nothing new here. I'm sorry. Unfortunately, last Tuesday my dear husband had three teeth extracted in the morning and then ended up in the hospital Tuesday evening with a kidney stone. This resulted in several days of illness for him as well as several appointments and finally a procedure to break up the stone. It was very stressful for all of us and I couldn't be happier that's it's over and done with. The procedure worked and my dear husband returned to work yesterday.

I'm still trying to settle back into a normal routine with the kids and all of our many springtime activities. Many things have been put on the back burner these last couple of weeks and I need to tend them. I don't have any fabulous tips, freebies, or frugal ideas to share today. I would like to make a recommendation though.

Take time for yourself and your family when you can. The house can wait. The errands can wait. Seize the moment and enjoy the beautiful spring weather. Go for a walk. Plant some flowers. Play at the park. Take a bike ride. Don't miss the fleeting opportunities before you. Live in the present. You won't regret it.

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