Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wednesday Winners Giveaway 3/4

It's time for Wednesday Winners giveaway over at Blog Stalkers Unite!!! Yeah. I thought it might be fun to enter and do my own little giveaway.

Today I'm giving away one digital layout in the size and theme of your choice. I used to digital scrapbook quite often and then along came our third child. Though I've had lots of inspiration, I've had little time to be inspired. I won't limit the number of pictures to be used in the layout but I can't promise that all of them will be used either. The finished file will be sent to you in a printable format for framing or putting in your favorite album. To enter please leave a comment below with your favorite money saving tip. Winner will be announced next Wednesday!!! Have fun.

Just a few examples of my work:


Bonus opportunity: Find the mistake with this first layout and I'll throw in a second layout as well:)



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