Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday Rant

Sorry. I had a fabulous post all ready to go and I just got so bogged down today. Do you ever have one of those weeks??? Well, this has been mine. If you don't mind a whiny Mama blogger, read on. If you've got enough of your own challenges that you don't need to hear about mine...well, stay tuned for something better.

The day started off beautiful. It was in the sixties when I took my daughter to school. I took the boys home and tried to get some work done. Well, along comes little monkey boy and grabs a full cup of tea and spills it all over my desk, floor, carpet, and me. Thankfully the cup didn't break this time.....and the tea was already cold. That's a rant for another day, lol. No big deal. It was time for a shower anyway so I gathered him up and got us both bathed and headed off to preschool with the middle midget. I'm so excited. I told the kids we'd all head to the park and feed the birds after school. Well.....suddenly the sky is black and I'm being pelted with raindrops. There went all of my energy.

I just wanted to come home and veg out and do nothing. What is it about the weather and how it impacts you. While it's back to gloomy and the rain is looming, the weather did eventually perk up and I did take the kids to the park this afternoon. We had a nice time and I'm glad that I did it. All too often, we just don't do the fun things we should.

In any case, you're probably wondering what the beef is. It's just everything. The computer mouse broke or rather was broken so now I'm using the laptop mouse which is super tiny and has the world's shortest cord. There was a little girl at the park probably no older than seven or eight whose mother just left her on the playground while she walked on the trail. I don't think this is safe. The little girl had an ice cream and when she was done just threw her garbage on the ground. Ugh! So now she's a little girl who's been left alone with no manners. I did politely instruct her on cleaning up her mess and she obliged. I had two people turn beside/in front of me from the wrong lane today. What's up with that?

Ahhh!!! The list could just go on, but just getting this little bit off my chest has made me feel better and I don't want to spread any more negativity. One more thing though....that free sub from Quiznos: a no go. I'm not sure what happened, but apparently just registering and receiving your email wasn't enough. I have to assume that a million people jumped on the bandwagon and printed their Q's three days ago leaving nothing for the rest of us. Oh well. I didn't need another sub anyway.

I hope your day is shaping up better than mine has and I hope we all have a grand weekend. I've got a busy one planned and lots of work to do too.

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