Saturday, February 7, 2009

Simply Saturday Life

Despite my best intentions, my world has conspired against me being productive whatsoever this weekend. My poor baby was sick yesterday (compliments of his big sister who was home for four days this week) and today my dear husband spent the whole day in bed. There's a nasty cold going around our house right now and it doesn't seem to discriminate. So....woe is me:(

Speaking of colds....this is the time of year most drug stores have excellent sales on cold medicines. We're normally a very natural family here. I prefer to prevent than treat, but occasionally something slips through and something a little more is required. Today my dear husband was taking some Tylenol Cold medicine (great stuff btw) that the company actually paid me to buy a little over a month ago. That's why I love coupons!!!

I'm going to try to get part two of my "Super Couponing" series up some time tomorrow and I'll also pass along any good deals on cold medicine. We're pretty well stocked here, but I always get an item if I can get it for free. You never know when someone you know might be in need or, if your house is like mine, when five people will all get a cold over the period of a month and drain your supply.

We're also expecting a high of seventy-one tomorrow and I thoroughly plan to enjoy it with my boys!!!

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